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Tuesday, 30 August 2011 21:23
In 1990, while I was directing marketing for the Dianetics Route, I attended a SMI convention (Scientology Missions International) in Clearwater with MEI (Marketing Exec Int, which was Ronnie Miscavige). Also attending were a large number of people from what were called “pioneer areas.”

They told Ronnie and I that they had a terrible problem: book pricing was out of hand. A single book in many countries such as Equator and Columbia — in places where Dianetics was popular — cost the equivalent of month’s wages for the average worker.


Made of
paper! How could it be?

Needless to say, dissemination was totally blocked. So I jumped all over this and put together a comprehensive pricing submission to reprice these books according to the LRH formula. When COB saw it, the reaction was so bad you would have thought I had proposed to burn down the Int base and soaked the submission in gasoline. He said I was proposing to
denigrate the tech and create a price engram. What worse denigration of the tech than to price it out of reach? What worse price engram?

I found myself confronting a situation so evil it was nearly unfathomable. What and who could possibly WANT to price LRH books completely out of reach?  

It was so suppressive, it made me sick. Literally. A week later I started to speak out about it since a formal submission didn’t work. Suddenly I was assigned to the RPF. The reason: I was told a mysterious interrogatory found me as an “enturbulative source.” Really?

I was quite close to everyone in Central Marketing Unit, which at the time was part of Exec Strata. I had no enemies there. The interrog was executed by CMO Int. ED Int himself, plus two others came to get me and escorted me to HCO where minutes later I was hustled into a van and deposited 90 miles away in Los Angeles without even the chance to tell my wife goodbye or grab my tooth brush. I had no money and had to borrow soap and shampoo from other RPFers in LA. Who ordered the “interog”? Why was everyone in such a hell fire hurry to get rid of me? I never knew. But now I know.

What David Miscavige is doing is falsely pricing things so high in the name of “quality” that no one can afford to buy them. And for the latest insight on that subject, here is Tom

~ Thoughtful

Pricing Scientology out of reach

by Tom Martiniano

“Things, good or bad, don’t just happen, they are made to happen. When one understands this, then he can begin to unravel some of these mysteries.” LRH Confidential Rollback Issue

The Ideal Org program as promoted by RTC as “THE” program to boom Scientology, is a not only a big failure but is just a sham and is designed to fail and run the church into the ground.  Anyone promoting or supporting this program is connected to an SP and needs PTS education and handlings.

Attached is the latest information out of one of the premier Ideal Orgs, Stevens Creek. The attached major mag from this org arrived to the mailed address of a friend in July, 2011. This mag itself is living proof that the Ideal Orgs are a scam and that they are designed to fail.  First we have the dismal production and then we see the actual block on the bridge which is now isolated for all to see.


The Policy from LRH regarding orgs is: HCO PL 27 September, 1957 (No Title) OEC Vol II Pg 401:  “Anyone doing this mistakes our basic mission, which is not the charging of high prices, but the dissemination of Scientology to the end goal of bringing a new and better culture to Earth.”

Statistics for a current Scientology Class V Orgs is dismal compared to any earlier decade and as a direct quote from LRH: “Below the briny bedrock of the deepest blue oceans”

The situation out there is that the orgs delivery is shrinking with the advent of David Miscaviage’s much hyped “bright idea” - his -  “Ideal Org Program” which is about as off-source as auditing on Skype.   

In the late 60’s and early 70’s LRH had established and single-handedly run orgs, then had written policy for situations he had run across in expanding orgs and then planned and established the pattern for Class IV Orgs in the USA, Canada, Europe and ANZO.  He codified all of the policy he had written for administration, making it possible for the orgs to expand.  With the advent of the Sea Organization LRH made his planning become a reality (verified by stats) and made the orgs really expand thereby getting people up the bridge in volume.  The final workout was HCO PL BOOMING AN ORG THROUGH TRAINING.  Here LRH calls for orgs to concentrate on making auditors who will in turn create a demand for PCs and then making more and more auditors.  The result was big fat expanding orgs and Scientology in affluence throughout the 70’s to the mid-80’s.

In the below mag, as you can see, on the cover, the theme is “Training” and “Co-auditing” and throughout the mag you will see the emphasis on training and co-auditing.  But the solution to get trained is a problem in itself and therefore a crime by management.  Here is Stevens Creek products for the last two months:

BASICS BOOKS:  Twenty books completed (mainly by staff who were made to purchase the basic books) = 20 comps (separate book completions).

HGC Completions:

Scientology DRD: =     1
Repair Program: =   1
HRD =  1
Confessional = 1
Purif = 1
Grade 0 = 1
Marriage Counseling = 1 couple


OEC Mini-Hat = 1
STCC = 1
Level 1 = 1
Staff Status 1 = 1
BSM = 1

That is TWO MONTHS (2 MONTHS) production for an “Ideal Org”. That is this year. Dismal. In any Midwest org in 1976, this would have been one day’s production.


Stevens Creek is one of the “better” orgs in the USA and is a good sample of the “average” Ideal Org. This is a magazine that is promoting training in orgs and co-auditing in orgs.  In looking at the price lists from this org mag we see the block on the bridge for anyone wanting to become a trained auditor and/or co-auditing.  The purpose of co-auditing one’s way up the bridge is to be able to afford going clear and OT.  But check out these prices:



Basic Book & Lecture Package =  $ 3,250 (Mandatory prerequisite to any training)
Student Hat Course =  $ 600
Pro TRs Course = $1,860
Upper Indoc TR Course = $460
Pro Metering Course = $2,160
Method 1 Co-Audit Course = $600
Acad Levels 0-IV @$2,160 ea or     $10,800
Quantum Meter = $4,185 (all auditors are to have 2 meters = $8,370 but we’re only going to count 1 here.
Course Pack = $75 x 5 = $375

Total Cost for a prospective trainee to become an Auditor = $24,290.  

If the prospective trainee purchases an IAS Lifetime Membership he can add $5,000 on top of that $24,290 = $29,290.

Now minus IAS Membership Discount of $4,850 (20%) = $24,432 + IAS Membership of $5K =  $29,432 to become an auditor in a Class V Org - if - one is an IAS member (and this is if he makes it through the IAS, Superpower and Ideal Org gauntlets on his routing form without paying there and if he has to purchase just one Basics Package – all of which are very unlikely).

According to the US Census Bureau the 2009 United States average household income is $49,777.  To train to be an auditor is more than half of the average yearly income of an American household which makes training out of reach for people wanting to co-audit or just become an auditor.

It took me five minutes to find the average income for the American Household on the Internet. This means it was within reach of David Miscavige who approves all pricing for all Scientology services and LRH books.  This means the pricing was done purposely in order to keep training out of reach of the average income maker in order to keep Scientology small and the tech unavailable.

The "Who" is COB David Miscavige. I might include GI Exec Int, but there hasn’t really been anyone on that post for years... scratch that: decades. In fact, for all of Int management, no one has been on post for decades. What has been there are robots, all controlled by the micro-mis-managment of David "Disaster" Miscavige.

The handling, of course, is to get in ethics on David Miscavige (which would require him going to jail) and to start delivery of Scientology all over again using pricing that would allow the natural expansion of Scientology.

So there it is; proof that orgs are designed to fail.

Written by Tom Martiniano



# AnonLover 2011-08-30 22:02
Great article & intro! Pricing & Fee Schedules is a subject near and dear to my heart.

FWIW there is a growing collection of research materials gathered here on this subject: (newer stuff on the later pages & listed in full in historical index document)


Thus I find this comment extremely poignant:

"This means the pricing was done purposely in order to keep training out of reach of the average income maker in order to keep Scientology small and the tech unavailable."

Thks for this insight... I always thought the extreme pricing increasing I've been documenting was just plain old greed run wild. I never thought to put an actual self-destructive reason behind it.

"Greed has taken the whole universe, and nobody is worried about their soul." -- Little Richard
# Sapere Aude 2011-08-30 23:09
Excellent detailed write-up. In a 2 month period there is ONE grade completion and ONE levels completion from an Ideal Class V org. Nothing says failure as much as this stat. The orgs product is clears and auditors. At 6 a year might as well say game over. Have a beer and watch the ball game because this Ideal Org is a total failure! Tom, you and I are from a different era, we used to may boatloads of Grades completions and Auditor levels completions. We made several times this stat in a week! This is sad.

Hey guys who donated - look at what your millions bought. Failure.

The price engram is only part of the problem. The out tech and non standard delivery is the other side. So disgusting!
+1 # Linda McC 2011-08-30 23:36
Steve, thank you for your brave attempt to handle this and Tom, thank you for the current expose.
When in Santa Barbara, a man came in with his two kids (aged 6 and 8 or so). The dad picked up the books "Study Skills for Life" and "Learning How to Learn". The kids were reachng for them as well. Dad looked at me and said "how much?". I said $31.75. Dad looked at the kids and said: "Put it down, honey".
When Dissem Sec STL in the 70s (their BOOM years), I sold Academy levels, HSDC, both internships and all materials including a Mark V e-meter for less than $2,000.00. I recall is was just over $1,950.00.) These were standard prices for all (then) CL IV orgs. And those Academies were PACKED (see "What Happened to Training on the Friends of LRH Website for evidence of these booming orgs).
Fast forward to PT and..................
+1 # alice 2011-08-30 23:38
Grear article! Please consider that
a) "average income for the american household" is not the money available for materials and service, as there are costs for housing and food, etc. The amount available is in many cases only a tenth or twentieth of that,
b) "household" may include more than one person, so this sum may need to be broken down before it can be compared to the prices given, as these are per person, not per "household".
I have personally met people who's postulate wasn't anymore "DOING the Bridge", they had changed it into "MAKING MONEY FOR the Bridge". And after many years found out that they had gotten exactly what they had postulated: The did not move up the Bridge; they made money for doing the Bridge - all that time. AND THAT WAS ALL!
# OTB 2011-08-31 14:53
Stats tell all. Scientology, under the David Miscavige camp, is dwindling. It's just a matter of time before the landslide begins. Churches of Scientology cannot live on air, and DM has set them up for a terrible slide by invoking, by force, properties which they cannot afford to support, in spite of the money-oriented stat push to do so. Some tumultuous times ahead for the Church, but necessary unfortunately. When it's done, we'll have to make sure that Scientology continues without the fancy, yet false, facade
# Formost 2011-08-31 17:02
I am going to be the odd-man out here and disagree with some parts of your assessment on the pricing.

All the pricing is quite good for the training, and hasn't gone up drastically over the last decade. In terms of purchasing power vs. inflation it's quite OK.

What I do find offensive here is the Basic Book Package Requirements and all the Donation requests thrown into one's path up the bridge.

It's the incessant regging harassment and it's accompanying Used Car Salesman Environment that makes my stomach turn.
# RJ 2011-08-31 23:52
Actually Foremost when you factor in inflation you'll find that the median household income has decreased over the years.

The cost of services these days is more than the average person can afford.

Prices should be set according to HCOPL 23 Sept 1964 which is actually based on "the average lower class of lower middle class pay scale" which at this time is way less than 49000 and probably around 24 to 30000.

Also for some reason the Scholarship program was dropped out.

Probably an oversight....yeah right.

Since at one time those who wanted to train as auditors were considered "upstat and important people".

Now its patrons of the IAS.

Thus you can see where the definition of "upstat and important" has been totally *perverted* within the organization and redefined by agitprop to the contrary.

However like you I don't fully agree with with Tom's assessment.

Correct Miscavige is a "who" but this according to the DS means your eval is incomplete.

The question is why would anyone throw out good policy and follow such a psychotic (obviously psychotic per the definition of psychosis as given in the HCOB of that title also known as C/S series 22) moron's simple simon arbitrary orders.

It's almost like at the highest echelons of Scientology no one there ever heard of a job endangerment chit or an orders query!

Secondly the training stats started falling like the proverbial "shot duck" long before the lunatic came up with the "bright idea" of "Ideal Orgs" with the introduction of the "Golden Arbitrary of Tech" and continued to spiral downward after the "Basics".

As you can see.

The student not only has to jump the hurdle of out gradient meter drills.

(By the way accurate meter dating is not a requirement for Levels 0-IV)

But now has to weed their way through a course of "Basics" that rivals the SHSBC in size and complexity.


Its all nothing but *theory*.

We see right here there is no real intention to make auditors.

To make a Class IV back in the dark ol' days when the "blind were (supposedly) leading the blind" it took 6 weeks.

Now it takes 6 years!

And it is not just the "Basics" but all those stupid useless "drill" which totally violate HCOPL 16 April AD 15 Issue II "Drills Allowed"!

Training has been totally and completely sabotaged!

By turning it into a virtually endless runway.

The fact is even if they reduced the price of training auditors.

The process of training has been so bottle necked by arbitrary courses and actions that most people would lose heart since it is so long and involved!

Ron writes in the RED Orders to Divisions For Immediate Compliance point 11 for Div IV:

"Courses should be fast, auditing drawn out. This is the exact reverse to what has been happening. *SLOW COURSES AND FAST AUDITING DESTROY THE SUBJECTS OF DNS AND SCN* (emphasis added). Fast courses and long long hours of auditing are the route to real gains and solvency."
# alice 2011-09-01 11:43
Concerning the last quote: If the rumor-lines are right, it looks like things would get even worse. The next solution to the mess created by the earlier solutions is in sight. GAT 2.0 is supposed to speed up auditing by reducing the processes applied ("so that people can afford it"). Cheers!
# Bill Straass 2011-09-05 08:54
After 23 years in the SO, first at Flag and then on the Freewinds, I was ejected from the ship when they had me tested for HIV and I was found to be positive. This is illegal as hell but not the subject of this post. After I recovered my wife wanted me to make it to OTIII this lifetime. (I went clear in 1952 in Wichita and though I have gotten some great auditing in the SO, I am basically still at that point on the Bridge. She bought a house and a year later got a refinanced loan before the market tanked. She paid $28,600 to AOLA for my Solo II to OT III package and 4 intensives for my setups. After that we received an average of 5 calls or contacts per day for about 6 months goading us to use the money to pay for basics, IAS WTH donations and whatever new videos or things the Chuch had come up with. Now all of that money is gone. No OTII package. I only received 2 of the intensives. I was told that they do not deliver OT preps anymore to people unless the have to redo their OT levels. Since it was obvious that they were never going to deliver what they promised and would continue harrasing us until the money was all gone, I ended up giving them the rest of the money. So, after spending my entile adult life in the SO working to get others up the Bridge. Robbers with guns say "Your money or your life". The current church has gotten both.
# Les Warren 2011-08-31 18:26
ARBITRARY, 1. probably just a wrong why held in by law. And if so held in, it will crash the place. (HCO PL 13 Oct 70 II) 2. a false order or datum entered into a situation or group. (OODs 16 Apr 70) 3. anything which interrupts your ability to do your job. (7004CO9SO) 4.an interjected law or rule or decision which does not fit or is unnecessary.
An arbitrary can be said to be something
which actually violates natural law
and which becomes, when held in place, an
enforced lie. This causes endless board or governing body trouble whenever it occurs. (HCO PL 20 Oct 66 II) -adj. (a) derived from mere opinion or preference; not based on the nature of things;hence, capricious, uncertain, varying. (b) unrestrained in the exercise of will; of uncontrolled power or authority, absolute; hence, despotic, tyrannical.
Usual forms of arbitrary are: disagreement, counter-policy, cross-order,other - intentionedness, counterintention, no reality. (BPL 10 Nov 73 II)

Frankly, I can't think of anything in the current church of miscavology which is anything other than an ARBITRARY.
That these arbitraries are crashing the place is pretty darn obvious.

# John Doe 2011-08-31 19:01
There is a lot of push for creating a new Ideal Org in Inglewood, CA. For those in the know, that is, anyone who "permits" themselves to read the internet, this effort is most likely an attempt to please the Nation of Islam opinion leaders about "how much Scientology is doing for the African-American community."

However, according to Census data for Inglewood, which has an African-American population of over 47%,"the median household income in the community at the time of the last survey was $34,269."

How is this community going to support this org? The cost of training ONE auditor is over 85% of median household income!! Is there going to be a "special" price for NOI members or members of their families?

How do people write ten thousand dollar checks to support this Inglewood project without even thinking about these questions?
# Dan Koon 2011-08-31 23:51
JD, It is simple really. There may be people in South Central who want to train badly but cannot afford it. The prices quoted in the article are, in fact, not out of line with what it costs a student to attend a good college or university for a year or two, the same time it would take a student to get through an org's training lineup. The solution? Simple--reg the Craig Jensens of the Scientology world to provide scholarships to deserving students, the same as any legitimate college does. In fact, when Steve Hall and I worked in Marketing together several years ago, I even proposed this as a solution to boom training. Of course it went nowhere because DM is interested in MEST, not living able people.
# RJ 2011-09-01 01:39
As an additional comment:

Is it just me or do those people pictured on the cover of the mag look like crash test dummies to anyone else?
+1 # Thoughtful 2011-09-01 07:53
Dear All, if you don't mind I'd like to chip in too. I think part of the problem is a confusion over the value of courses vs. what a price would enable the maximum number of people to move up the Bridge while still enabling the org to cover it's expenses. It is a matter of aligning price to purpose.

In the case of the Church, it is a matter of misalignment.

You can't place a value on the tech — the number is astronomical. Of course one can't actually charge that because then no one can afford services but the very wealthy. Which is idiocy because the mission of Scientology, and the purpose is, to create millions of auditors.

Well, dumb-ass Miscavige has this priced so he is making maybe 10 auditors internationally per week. Even if it were 10,000 auditors a week, it would still be infinitesimal compared to 6 billion.

10K auditors a week is 500,000 auditors a year, which is still .000083 compared to 6 billion people; i.e., infinitesimal.

These sports of calculations are not new. I did the math in 1990 when I was putting together my revision of book pricing.

So the purpose is profoundly off. Miscavige says in his tinker-toy brain, "the value is astronomical, so all prices must be astronomical." And snap — no one can afford Scientology.

I said Miscavige is "stupid" but from the quote at the beginning of Tom's article, it's evident it's really evil purposes, and lots of them.
+1 # RJ 2011-09-01 13:49
Thoughtful Steve,

You are right Miscavige is *stooopid".

(I had him pinned as a complete moron back when I saw him on Nightline.)

But he is *evil* as well and part of a conspiracy to destroy Scientology.

I'm sure there is someone up lines who knows damn well that if you make training so onerous and drawn out forever you will eventually wreck the subject that is advising the little simpleton.

Pricing is part of it but also there has been this false datum that has been prevalent for quite a number of years that training "takes as long as it takes" which is a datum that only applies to auditing.

Training is supposed to be *fast*.

In fact there is an HCOB entitled "Fast Courses" that has basically been totally thrown out.

It shouldn't take more than a year to train a Class VIII under a good supervisor from the bottom up.

Also there is some weird think that the Organization should be like some college or university and take years to train someone.

In the meantime they are intentionally speeding up read encouraging *quickie* (particularly on the lower levels) auditing and discouraging co-auditing.

Why spend months or even weeks training so you can co-audit if all your grades can be done in several days or in 20 minutes?

Also you can no longer co-audit preps and Eligibility even if you are a Saint Hill grad because the HCOBs are limited dist to SO personal only.

Not only that but you can no longer Co-audit OT IV on Class VIII despite a HCOPL written specifically by Ron that said you could.

In fact any Class VIII currently being "trained" is no longer allowed to audit, repair or review Advanced Courses which is now restricted to SO personnel.

So what is the point of doing Class VIII anymore?

Funny thing is that with all upper level auditing including NOTs limited to SO they take longer to do because the usual Pre OT now is pretty much a bypassed case.

And guess who makes a percentage on all this?

Aside from the fact that someone who is manifesting out lower grades and who lacks actual *training* per the HCOB Training and OT is not really going to make it to OT.

So here you have a combination of greed, stupidity and evil intent.
+1 # expelled4life 2011-09-01 07:55
There may have been a few "big fat expanding orgs" throughout the 70’s to the mid-80’s but they were far and few between from what I observed. The idea that Scientology ever went through a boom is a fallacy. The biggest proof of this was Boston. It was stat pushed by a Sea Org Command Team and according to LRH became St Hill size (see LRH ED 339R on the Birthday Game). Boston quickly reverted back to a handful of public and has pretty much remained that way over the years. At least on the east coast the only Org I ever heard of that boomed at one time was Miami but my guess is that was only a Div 6 "boom" not a Div 4 boom. The number of public in most Orgs seems to be always about the same no matter what time period. It usually comes down to a couple dozen public who get worked over and over and over. On the other hand there were some BIG missions.
# RJ 2011-09-03 22:53
Yeah well at least the people in them were of greater concern than the MEST surrounding them back then.
# Jim Logan 2011-09-01 16:18
I recall those halcyon days when the Levels were sold as a package, and if they were, the Student Hat was part of it and the works were $2000. The EXACT same LRH tech, the exact right drills needed on each Level to DO that auditing and it took an average of 2 weeks per. The intention was to make auditors so auditors were made.

It's as simple as that.
# Thoughtful 2011-09-01 16:22
Jim, That is right. I did my Academy Levels in the early to mid 1980s and nearly all of them took exactly two weeks.
# RJ 2011-09-01 23:32
Thanks for rehabbing my win on doing the levels Steve and Jimbo :)

That was back in the days when training was fun!

Last time I was there to do my BC *un* certainty it was like being a Galley slave.
# Tom M 2011-09-01 16:49
Jimmy, correct you are, only my early days it was $1250. LRH said to price the certificate levels no less than one months pay for the average person in that area. BUT - the big difference is that in those days metering and Trs were part of Level 0 and there weren't other pre-requisits and no basics and so forth. We don't have apples = apples right now because of all the BS blocking training.

The aqverage cost of a house in 1975 was $28 sq ft. Now it is $95 sq ft. (4X)

The average cost of a car was $5,000 in 1975. Now it is $22,000 (4X)

So if Jimmy and Steve paid $2,000 for their levels in the 70's then it should be 4X of that now ($8,000) including the metering and TRs.

ML Tom
# RJ 2011-09-01 21:21

Actually the Acads 0-IV back in '75 were 250 each or 1000 for the package so if you 4xed them they'd be 4 grand making them 2 grand with a full scholarship.

But even at 8 grand they're still a deal compared to what they're selling for now.

Also back in the old days the Student Hat and M1 Coaudit course were freebes (what are they now 10 grand?)

And you did the basic books while doing the levels.
# mimsey borogrove 2011-09-03 09:18
You might consider this, that taking money for training and processing creates a liability of having to deliver it and risks having refunds if the public don't have wins. It is safer to have the public dono for ideal orgs and IAS and avoid all of the refund issues. As long as there is an illusion of expansion by the construction of new ideal orgs, the well heeled can support the church for years risk free.

# RJ 2011-09-03 22:48
I agree Mimsey.

This in my opinion has been the Church's strategy ever since regaining coveted 501ciii and why they now concentrate on IAS *donations* since they are tax deductable and non-refundable.

I say if you want Scientology then forget about the Church of Scientology :)
# Seeking4know 2011-09-05 12:19
So very spot on. One would think more "OTs" would see this, but even the public is too scared. And the newer younger generations have no idea of how it used to be.

Real Scientology exists as an independent movement.
# Michael Priv 2011-09-06 18:25
I have nothing to add to the fascinating exchange here except for this: in the last year and a half or two for about $2600 in the independent field I did my ARC SW, very near the completion of Grade 0 (I think), untangled and repaired all my past auditing, attested Clear and did CCRD. This is pricing Scientology within reach.
# A.K.Myers 2011-09-12 12:32
Lets go earlier similar.

In 1976 missions were booming. Auditing
was $35.00 an hour ($437.50) per
intensive. Books were inexpensive and
training was too.

Then came: 'LRH ED 284 Int', 16 Sep 76
“The Solution to Inflation.” This
mandated a 5% per month price raise.
This helped at first, and became a
standard regging tool...


This was allowed to go on until 1981 despite the one year time limit of one
year for LRH ED's. By this time auditing
was over ten times the original amount,
and premium auditing like at FLAG was
even higher.

The number of auditing hours and the
number of people getting trained began
to decline.
# Robin 2011-09-12 18:20
I venture to say, this pricing issue is the number ONE reason orgs have not expanded, and in fact have decreased in size and influence. Having run my org for several years, I know how hard we all worked in every division, but the overriding barrier was that the major services were simply unaffordable to all but the wealthy. And this was during Reaganomics, when so many folks were feeling flush. But not THAT flush! And we milked the few who had huge credit limits to the point of their own bankruptcy. I'm not exaggerating, I've seen it over and over. That's FREEDOM? And now, in our all but collapsed economy the church has been suppressively unaltered in its pricing to the public, paying no heed to the fact that most of us have had to struggle to simply stay employed and feed our families. Boggles the mind. Thanks Tom.

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Climate of Fear - Reign of Terror

"Ever-increasing savage actions created a climate of fear. You could be screamed at, ridiculed, spat on, embarrassed, threatened ferociously or beaten. You could lose Scientology, your friends, family, parents, split off from your spouse, no money, no job, cast out into the world penniless and alone if you ever dream of defying The Cob" Learn More...


"For example, through his destructive policies Miscavige forced hundreds of female Sea Org members at International Management to get abortions when they got pregnant. When the media started to investigate that, he came up with the solution: he ordered that husbands and wives at International Management get divorced...."  Learn More...


Shaking Down Scientologists for Cash

"Through his programs and subverted staff he extorts Scientologists into 'donating' huge sums of money, forcing thousands into debt. It's a protection racket no different from thugs 'shaking down' local business owners for cash. His specialty is crushing people..."  Learn More...

How Church Financials Really Work

"It's a lot more viable to chase down millionaires who will donate $10 million for a hand shake, some applause and a metal pin. It's not a matter of saving the planet and all the poor suffering people... it's 'Where's the BIG, FAT, EASY MONEY?' -- that's what we're talking about!..."  Learn More...


Tax Exemption by Blackmail

"Miscavige bragged that he collared the IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg in the hallway outside his IRS office and threatened to expose him. Private investigators hired by Miscavige had caught Fred in some unethical activity. Miscavige told Fred if he didn’t cooperate, he’d immediately ruin him with full-page ads in USA Today..."  Learn More...

Extortion of a Federal Official

"He also bragged to a number of staff who were close to him about how he illegally obtained information which he was able to use to blackmail the IRS official who granted the church tax exemption..."  Learn More...


Annie Tidman: Imprisoned for 2 Years

"Annie Broeker Tidman, Hubbard's personal assistant right up to the time of his death, realized that Miscavige was systematically and forcefully taking over the church. She attempted to escape to rejoin her husband but was caught and brought back to California, isolated and kept under guard on a remote property for over 2 years..."  Learn More...

Sadism in the SP Hall

"His most infamous sadistic moment was when he told them they were going to play 'musical chairs' and only the last person to get a chair would stay and the rest would vanish without even a chance to say good-bye to friends and family, husbands or wives. The game went on for hours as staff wept bitter tears. This delighted The Cob."  Learn More...


Lisa McPherson's Demise

"Miscavige said he knew what was wrong and proceeded to write three paragraphs on what was to be said to this girl. The staff wondered how The Cob was even qualified to supervise auditing and even if he was, why hadn't he studied the folders first? The girl's name was Lisa McPherson and you know the rest."  Learn More...

Night of the Living Dead

"Moments later came a wail of inhuman agony unlike anything I have every heard in my lifetime, before or since. The screams were so incredibly loud. Louder than any sounds I could imagine a human could make. They filled the sky and the valley and my lonely office. 20 or 30 minutes they lasted..."  Learn More...



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31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider

The Pertinent Manifesto"Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics..."  Learn More...

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