Home PTS/SP Tech Corrupted
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Wednesday, 04 August 2010 09:22

For those unfamiliar with the subject of PTS/SP Tech, a suppressive person (often abbreviated "SP") is an anti-social or "toxic" personality. Their actions are predicated on their belief that the only way they can survive unmolested is to keep others around them down. Their victims, because of being kept down, get sick, have accidents, have worries, and basically are unproductive and in constant fear. Because they are under suppression, and create extra work and plenty of trouble for others on all sides of them, LRH called them a "potential trouble source" (or PTS, for short).

Whenever you notice someone in your environment is a particular source of trouble, you can correctly assume that they are connected somehow to a suppressive or toxic person.

It is surprising, but ALL illness and ALL accidents are due to a PTS condition. The manifestation is one of “roller coaster” -- the person gets better, gets worse. Two steps forward, two steps back.

This kind of valuable insight into the mechanisms of life that makes the philosophy of Scientology so valuable.

So solve a PTS situation, LRH evolved several kinds of handlings. Among these, there is a counseling (called in “auditing” Scientology) procedure called the PTS Rundown. This rundown helps a PTS person weed out all the various toxic persons from their past so they are no longer suffering from the cumulative effect of having been victimized by these people. Most everyone has run into one or more of these personality types in their lifetime but sometimes they are hard to spot because toxic personalities tend to camouflage themselves by the use of misdirectors, generalities and most notably by blaming you for everything that is wrong. By introverting you into your own failings, you don’t notice what they are actually up to.

The auditing rundown is fantastic and results in a person who no longer roller coasters. That means he never gets sick and never has accidents... unless he runs into a new suppressive person and fails to do something about that new connection.

I’m a good example of that. I don’t take drugs because I don’t need to. I don’t have accidents or get hurt and I don’t get sick. I used to get sick regularly -- at the Int base. But after leaving and spotting WHO the suppressive person was that I was connected to, and moreover after starting to DO something about it, my own PTS condition vanished.

Moving on, obviously one of the worst, most suppressive persons in recent memory -- at least to any Scientologist -- is David Miscavige.

However, in the Church, if you signed up to receive the PTS rundown and offered up his name as a suppressive person on your list of all the toxic persons you have known, even though correct, the auditor -- in complete violation of the code of ethics which auditors are sworn to uphold -- would not allow you to have that correct item -- because if he does, his auditing career will be over. In other words, no Scientologist is allowed to name David Miscavige as a source of suppression.

In Scientology, the technology of auditing is considered inviolate. By corrupting this technology, David Miscavige renders Scientology useless and that is a crime of magnitude since there is no other known way to produce the kinds of results that auditing can produce routinely when done correctly.

That is what the following article is about. It is an article intended to enlighten Scientologists who have had the wool pulled over their eyes on the exact nature of that wool so they can rip it away, open their eyes and see.

One last note: within LRH's writings starting in the 1950s, the format included the full capitalization of titles, plus important maxims and laws. So when you see things being capitalized, it doesn't mean the writer is "shouting"; it merely means what is being capitalized is important.

The reason that I'm taking the care to explain basic terms for non-Scientologists is because we really need help to rectify the situation of this criminal that has taken over the organization. My specialty is in explaining Scientology concepts and terms in normal words that anyone can understand. Hope this helps. - Thoughtful

One of the false datums that’s cropped up in the Church of Miscavology is that “You can’t be PTS to a 'good hat' or to a VIP in the Church.”

Here’s the background.

LRH says in HCOB 20 October 76 PTS HANDLING basically that people with evil purposes and destructive intentions claimed they were PTS to explain their aberrated behavior.  The discovery that led to a handling was that these people didn’t understand what PTS was or meant.  

(Hence, DM’s blanket TIP that everyone had to do the PTS/SP course…of course, it doesn’t explain why everyone had to redo, and redo, and redo the PTS/SP course.)

The issue says that studying the actual PTS material had a tendency to blow charge on past bad PTS handlings.

That same issue brings up the notion of False PTSness, but it points out that “unhattedness, ignorance of Scientology basics for handling life, past bad auditing uncorrected, as well as unhandled bad intentions and personal out-ethics can be mistaken for PTSness and won’t resolve as PTSness.”

The original reference on False PTSness is actually HCOB 15 December 1973 THE CONTINUOUS MISSED W/H AND CONTINUOUS OVERT WITH DATA ON DEGRADED BEINGS AND FALSE PTS CONDITIONS.  This issue says that a person who doesn’t respond to PTS handling should be dealt with as a person with continuous missed withholds and/or continuous overts.

Another LRH reference that applies is HCOB 24 April 1972 I PTS INTERVIEWS (C/S SERIES 79 / EXPANDED DIANETICS SERIES 5. It says, “A somewhat suppressive pc will find the good hats suppressive.  He is PTS to SP people, groups, things, or locations no matter how SP he is.  DO NOT BUY ALL THE GOOD PEOPLE he is PTS to.”

The important, but always overlooked piece of that sentence is that the PTS person, EVEN IF HE IS SOMEWHAT SUPPRESSIVE, is STILL PTS to SP people, groups, things, or locations.

Isn’t that interesting? Even a somewhat suppressive pc remains PTS to SPs. Real SPs.

And of course HCOB 24 November 1965 SEARCH AND DISCOVERY says: “lf, however, there is no success in finding the SP on the case or if the person starts naming org personnel or other unlikely persons as SP, the Ethics Officer must realize that he is handling a Type Il PTS and, because the auditing will consume time, sends the person to Tech or Qual for a Search and Discovery.”

Finally, in HCOB 21 May 1985 TWO TYPES OF PTSes it is stated that “On Pretended PTSness …your very reliable clue is that the person says he is PTS to a well-intentioned person, such as  a staff member or Scientology VIP. This is almost totally conclusive evidence that you are dealing with a person with an evil purpose. Thus, he would be programed for auditing geared to locating and handling evil purposes. He won’t get any relief on being found 'PTS' to a well intentioned person.”

(Note that it does not say to refuse the item. Note that it does not say to stop the PTS handling and route him to Sec Checking/FPRD immediately.)

Now, we know that the reactive mind operates on the mechanism A=A=A=A.  

Due to that mechanism, this whole PTS/SP haywire mess has become altered and warped into the following:

“If the PTS person names a Scientologist, Church executive (especially David Miscavige) or big IAS donor, don’t accept that answer, and send the PTS person for sec-checking, because he has evil purposes.”

Even though the LRH tech says nothing of the sort.  

(This has become so pervasive that I myself wasn’t allowed to name executives of a Scientology company individually on a PTS terminal list because…“He can’t be an SP because he’s OT VIII and gives lots of money to the Church.” Turns out that company has collapsed into dust since I quit. Hmmmmm.)

And the situation has become so insidious that a person I know went to Flag, got an S&D, named David Miscavige as the item, which blew down and F/Ned, and THE AUDITOR AND C/S REFUSED TO GIVE THE PC HIS ITEM BECAUSE IT WAS PRESUMED TO BE A “GOOD HAT”. The pc was promptly Sec Checked and list-repaired into apathy.

The pc had been out-list for over 10 years because of it.

I recently had this person on my C/Sing lines as a pc, and I ordered a list correction, because he was manifesting the horrendous bypassed charge and self-listing an out-list can generate.

He BD’d, F/Ned, and recovered from 10 years of hopelessness instantly when he was allowed to put the so-called “good hat” back onto the list.

Notice how clever this is.






There is a huge complication that’s avoided if you don’t accept these people onto a PTS terminal list. Once you accept the item, you then have to ask “DO YOU WANT TO HANDLE OR DISCONNECT?”

No Church Ethics Officer who wants to keep his head is going to suggest that you “handle” David Miscavige.

No Church Ethics Officer who wants to keep his head is going to suggest that you “disconnect” from the glorious wonderful Church that is draining your bank account.

So the INVENTED and OUT-TECH solution is to say “you can’t put that person on your PTS terminal list”.

Another Flag pc I know got an S&D, and named an OT VIII completion as the item on that list, which blew down and F/Ned, and THE AUDITOR AND C/S REFUSED TO GIVE THE PC HIS ITEM BECAUSE IT WAS PRESUMED TO BE A “GOOD HAT”. (This is the worst kind of evaluation and invalidation: an IN-SESSION refusal of an item.) The pc was promptly repaired into apathy. (“Sad effect” and “a down tone and slow case gain” are the consequences of this nonsense, which could have been predicted per Laws of Listing and Nulling number 13 and 20.)

This happened even though the OT VIII in question couldn’t hold a post as a Div 6 Registrar, Dissem Sec, HCO Sec, Bookseller, or Course Supervisor. It happened even though the OT VIII in question physically attacked another Scientologist in the parking lot of the org. This happened even though the OT VIII in question refused to be hatted on OCA evaluation technology. This happened even though the OT VIII blew staff and refused to do a leaving staff confessional.

Nope: he was an OT VIII, a Scientologist, and gave the Church lotsa money. So he couldn’t be a PTS terminal for someone.

Whaddaya know? A does equal A does equal A does equal . . .

Accepting the OT VIII as the PTS terminal for someone would mean at least one thing. Flag and the Freewinds let someone with obviously unhandled 3rd dynamic aberrations, service facsimiles and evil purposes onto and through OT VIII.

It would mean Flag and the Freewinds totally f’ed up. All because a pc was able to use the smokescreen of “donating lotsa money to the Church.”

It doesn’t matter if you have someone on interminable OT VII because YOU MADE THEM OUT-LIST, DOOMING THEM FOREVER TO AN UNRESOLVABLE PTS SITUATION.

(This perverted approach totally ignores the possibility that the person you name as an SP strung you up by your thumbs and flailed the skin off your body...a thousand years ago…and may be in Scientology today and have given a million dollars in donations to the Church. So he’s not an SP …to your Ethics Officer… even if he’s an SP to you!)

Now, let’s take a look at the OTHER PTS terminal.

HCO PL 16 October 1967 SUPPRESSIVES AND THE ADMINISTRATOR; HOW TO DETECT SPs AS AN ADMINISTRATOR gives a 6-item checklist for detecting a suppressive person:

  • No ethics change
  • No case chance
  • No admin change
  • Thick ethics files
  • Thick (or no) case files
  • Thick, full (or no) comm baskets.
The only auditor’s certificate I’ve heard anyone claim for David Miscavige is Provisional Class IV, from over thirty years ago. I don’t know of any processing level he’s genuinely demonstratively achieved. The last person who sec checked David Miscavige was Jesse Prince more than twenty years ago who has since been the target of black propaganda and dirty tricks to discredit and ruin him.

I certainly haven’t heard how Miscavige attained ANY recent training certificate. Nor has he done the Flag Executive Briefing Course or the Data Series Evaluator Course.

He must have a fat ethics folder. I’ve sent in dozens of Knowledge Reports myself. This website has about 300 KRs turned into articles and ditto for Marty's blog.

And DM has "never committed any overts" (just ask Jenny Linson). If anyone committed overts, it was DM’s own juniors who already left. So DM claims to be PTS to them -- a genuine case of pretended PTSness if there ever was one.  

Miscavige certainly can’t be Sec Checked or FPRD-audited by anyone anymore. He obviously didn’t get any case gain from any Sec Checking or FPRD he received as he still physically attacks people and demands women get abortions. He’s alienated or emasculated or demoted or imprisoned anyone who could audit him from altitude.

What does exist however are dozens of witnesses with tales of  DM’s vicious physical assaults on subordinates; the imprisonment of probably well-intentioned people in an inescapable hole; the dismissal and invalidation of peoples’ case level improperly; the elevation of peoples’ case level improperly;  violating the Auditor’s Code by using records of their Confessional sessions for entertainment purposes; false targeting well-intentioned people and assigning them hideous inhuman punishments and hordes of other crimes large and small, mostly imagined.

He enforced altered tech on auditors who are no longer auditing, calling it a “Golden Age of Tech,” and took away the certificates of auditors who refused to participate in that same mishmash.

Somehow, though, he can’t be allowed to be even on a parishioner’s PTS terminal list.

No wonder the parishioners of the Church of Scientology make trouble for people. They are PTS.

The real source of evil in the Church of Scientology is he who cannot be named.

What a coincidence.

--- Written by Plain Old Thetan


# Virgil 2010-08-04 11:49
Nice job spotting that Plain Old Thetan.

To bolster this even more is LRH's talk to Flag MAAs. He said paraphrase) "Okay, how about when a PC gets sick after session. If this because of suppression?" His answer was yes, because a pc whohas standard tech run on him never gets sick. A pc who had out tech run on him is suppressed by the auditor or the c/s or both. This doesn't mean they are sps it means the pc was suppressed by them and if you pull the string you will find an SP at the bottom of the c/s or auditor.

Intersting, no? So there it is. It can be that an auditor, c/s, exec, IAS reg and so forth are suppressing people and behind them is a BIG SP - the mother of all squirrels.

So your string pull is completely valid and my hat is off to you.

# Fellow Traveller 2010-08-04 16:07
14 October 1965

And it’s very interesting that you can overrun a person who is trying to tell you he’s already gone Release and the person becomes a PTS. Who’s the suppressive?
Audience: The auditor.
Isn’t that interesting? Of course, the suppressive – it’s merely a suppressive action. You don’t declare the auditor a suppressive person. Do you follow? You don’t have to then go through the endless action of „the Pc must separate from the auditor and disconnect and…“ That’s a lot of balderdash, isn’t it? But still, the mechanics are there: rolly coaster – PTS. Well, just who? Where? How? What? And that’s your job in Review.
Bruce Pratt
# Me 2010-08-05 13:17
Exactly Fellow Traveller.

Just because someone commits a suppressive action do not mean that person is a suppressive person. The PTS and Suppression Tech has been perverted and used to harm. Now this great tool of handling PTSness has been degraded to a point were the people it has misused on thinks it is only a control tool.

Thank you for the reference.
# Conny Lundberg 2010-08-04 13:15
Excellent article with great references!!!
If this was applied the situation would resolve in a second!:)
# Duckman 2010-08-04 13:33
In @ 1978-9,I realized that I was not allowed to finish my NED course because of David Miscavage ( I wanted to co-audit NED, but nobody was doing the co-audit) so I left the church. I agree with Plain Old Thetan, Miscavage is SP, and the Church is PTS to him.
# Me 2010-08-05 09:10
I have do correct your quotes on PTS Interviews.

It actually states:

"A somewhat suppressive pc will find the good hats suppressive. This does not relieve his condition. He is PTS to SP people, groups, things or location, no matter how SP he is."

He can have been audited by someone he knew in an earlier life and who goofed the session. A few auditors have since been declared. Not because they goofed but because they were SP."

Then the next paragraph states:

"However, some PTS pc will make trouble for good people because that is what PTS means (potential trouble source). So do not buy all the good people he is PTS to."

This following reference has altered the reference PTS Interviews:

In the 21 May 1985 HCOB, TWO TYPES OF PTSes, the reference you are giving above states:

"(Ref: HCOB 24 Apr. 72 C/S Series 70, PTS INTERVIEWS)If a standard interview is done and the pc names well-intentioned persons as the people he is PTS to, the C/S, seeing this, would not order a PTS Rundown. The C/S would program the case for those auditing rundowns designed to uncover and blow O/Ws and evil purposes."

Now go the the reference PTS INTERVIEWS and you will see the TWO TYPES OF PTS INTERVIEWS HCOB alters PTS INTERVIEWS which never uses the term "well-intentioned person" and it never states that if the pc gives a well-intentioned person as who he is PTS to that the C/S would not order the PTS Rundown.Nor does it state that the pc would be C/S for rundowns to blow O/Ws and evil purposes.

Why is the reference PTS INTERVIEWS given in the 1985 TWO TYPES OF PTSes that says none of the things it states?

I also cannot find the quote you are giving in the Search and Discovery HCOB. I am using an old 1989 PTS/SP Auditor Course pack reference. Is the Tech Vol reference you are using different?

It seems like the PTS tech may have been altered in 1985.
# Penny Krieger 2010-08-05 22:29
Plain Old Thetan,

Nice write up. The tape that discusses this exact subject is called, "Briefing to Review Auditors". Have no idea what the date is. I listened to it many years ago. I posted a response to one of the writers on Marty's blog tonight that is on this exact subject and how I felt pts to the CS!
# PlainOldThetan 2010-08-05 23:27
You are correct; I omitted several sentences out of the C/S 79 bulletin without noting they'd been omitted.

However, in my PTS/SP pack, my old tech vol VI, and my new Tech Vol VII, the paragraph cited is there, camouflaged in paragraph 2 of the "HANDLING THE TYPE I PTS" section.

As for the rest, I said it was situation was a haphazard mess of perverted false data, didn't I?

You and I may be able to see the data in the bulletins, but that isn't how it's being used in the Church.

Which is why I wrote the piece.

Frankly, I suspect (but cannot prove) that the HCOB 21 May 1985 TWO TYPES OF PTSes -- at least the "Scientology VIP" part -- is a DM insertion, due to the date. I have read elsewhere that the PTSness and DISCONNECTION bulletin has a big ol' fat David Miscavigism in it, and the date of that issue is 10 September 83.

Note also that the date of TWO TYPES OF PTSes is just after massive out-exchange donations became "legal" in the Church.
# Me 2010-08-06 08:28
Thanks for the reply. I hope you did not take my response to mean you were wrong. I was pointing out exactly what you stated and that I think the Two Types of PTSes HCOB, written 8 months before LRH dropped his body, is altered. I can see by the BBC of people on these sites that the PTS Tech was horribly perverted and I thank you for writing the truth. I hope it clears up some confusion.

By the way, I did find the quote you posted above in Search and Discovery 24 Nov. 1965. Thanks
# PlainOldThetan 2010-08-06 22:54
Glad you found the reference. And no problem re: the rest. I'm not infallible and can use all the side-checkin' people want to offer.
# hadley 2010-08-15 09:28
You cannot allow an SP to carry on with this as the church is today. Its a misrepresentation of the truth and suppressive,IN what Scientology is. What DM is doing is not Scientology and that any one inside or out must know as soon as possible.
He is Suppressive
# aida thomas 2010-08-21 10:15
Great article! If the PTS SP Tech were applied correctly DM and his Cof$ would be instantly declared SP and the church a supressive group.

But people continue to be PTS because they are not allowed to give the right item.

DM is an SP that has turned the good staff with good intentions to help others into degrated beings who commit atrocities in the name of Scn.

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