Home The "plot" to "take over the church"
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Saturday, 05 March 2011 16:13

robotI noticed recently several individuals including paid Scientology spy, John Connolly, stirring up rumors against Marty and Mike as per usual.

Another person started spreading the same rumors on facebook, not only about Marty and Mike, but about several other Independent Scientologists and then quickly turned on me, too.  So I started putting in order.

To handle DM, all we have to do is put in order -- right out of The Problems of Work. The action of putting in order causes confusion to blow off. The trick, LRH says, is not to fight the resulting confusion -- just keep putting in order.

So, if someone wants to speculate on motives or intentions (DM’s favorite trick) they can do so without me getting involved most of the time because it’s just confusion boiling away.

Accusations concerning intentions are irrelevant. The only way you can know anyone is by their ACTIONS. And by their action you CAN know them. If they are exposing DM, their actions demonstrate them to be safe. Simple.

Acid test

DM and his bunch, they don’t expose actual out ethics; they just continuously commit new overts. Accusing someone of a conspiracy (or having bad intentions) does not qualify as “exposing a crime.” Saying, “In 2006 Colm McLaughlin was kidnapped and incarcerated on the Freewinds against his will and is still in lock down” -- okay, that IS exposing a crime. That’s from a recent article on Scientology-cult by Valeska Guider and independently corroborated by JB.

Enough crimes ADD UP to a conspiracy. Exposing the crimes one by one is the first step. To do otherwise is to place the cart before the horse.

Auditing the third dynamic

So in my book, “putting in order” mainly includes exposing Scientology Inc’s crimes. That is therapeutic to the group because it blows charge. That is why we are doing it.

This is 3rd dynamic auditing -- how to run out a group engram. Right out of the R&D Series and Group Dianetics.

In evaluating people, LRH says you can know people by their actions. What’s the point of speculating on their motives or intentions? You can’t get into anyone’s head so none of that can ever be proven. ACTIONS, however, demonstrate who a person is and if they are worthy of trust.

As for me, I am actively exposing DM. DM is the epicenter of a conspiracy that is destroying the Church. The correct thing to do is get in ethics. To me, THAT is the basic program ongoing right now.

Cross speculation directed toward people who are actively exposing DM’s fraud is so counter productive it’s hard for me to believe anyone would stoop so damned low… except for flagrant SPs.

“Taking over the CoS”

Therefore, to me, anyone originating discussion about Mike and Marty wanting to “take over the church” constitutes "confusion blowing off" at best, because it is idle speculation and as such is irrelevant. Rather than putting in order, such people are raising doubts about some of the very people who are putting in order. Creating dissension is DM’s program and don’t think he doesn’t have people actively working on that. David Miscavige is the source of the rumor (enemy line) that “Marty and Mike want to take over the Church.”

And as for talk of reorganizing the church -- that is out-sequence and so unreal. We are no closer to reorganizing the Church than we are to holding the next Superbowl on the Mars. It’s a smoke screen.

So rather than "fight the confusion" most people ignore such comments.


In my opinion, there are only so many valid programs running right now in which Independent Scientologists can engage. They include,

  • RESIGNING publicly from the CoS to break the back of disconnection.
  • EXPOSING the brutal crimes of DM and his criminal jackals (conspiracy).
  • STOPPING the abuses and getting in ethics by any means including legal, protests, posting comments, etc.
  • GETTING current CoS members to wake up and come to their senses.
  • AUDITING people who have left the CoS.
  • TRAINING people who have left the CoS.
  • DISSEMINATING to the general population by indicating the out-ethics and clearing up the difference between Scientology and the Church of Scientology.
  • RECONNECTING to support each other as friends and create a healthy social network.
  • ESTABLISHING a new community-based model to break the CoS monopoly.

Surely there are other valid programs I have not thought of. Such programs encompass getting the show on the road.

Not constructive

1) Casting doubt about people who are actively DOING the above.
2) Creating internecine conflict.
3) Being a spectator.

...I wrote an ad in 1997: “The dirtiest word in Scientology... spectator.” Guy sitting on the bleachers, alone. Great headline. But it’s not really true.

The dirtiest word in Scientology is “Miscavige.”


There is really only one conspiracy. And the validity of that conspiracy is proven out by the hundreds of horrific crimes perpetrated by or upon the orders or one little rat of an antisocial sociopath:

David Miscavige grabbed dictatorial control of the Church of Scientology through a heavy campaign of lies, abuse, extortion, torture, black Ethics and reverse Scientology: subverting Church organizations with illegal orders and violations of Policy (human trafficking), sabotaging Tech so no one can move up the Bridge without becoming heavily PTS (and often dying), destroying the international repute of Scientology by identifying his own vicious, senseless, aggressive and off-Policy actions with LRH and the philosophy, thereby making the whole subject repugnant to the world at large and thus bringing the forward progress of Scientology to a stop; while lining the pockets of himself and his cronies (wake up Tom Cruise) with his ill-gotten gains and the products of slave labor.

Silver lining

Yet in carrying out the above campaign, DM got rid of so many leading Scientologists that today, the entire power base of Scientology now lies outside the Church. The only people left inside are the weak degraded beings who will work only for a suppressive and who are the Effect of DM with his campaign of terror and reverse Scientology. After restarting our lives from scratch, those outside are now taking responsibility to do something about David Miscavige. We have internalized -- every one of us -- the whole breath of policy and tech and so we naturally act in concert with no orders, no posted org board, no assigned hats: an ideal scene of responsibility and a true fabian, OT group.

And we have one more thing: the Internet which gives us a tool that others who came before never had. Through it we can reach everyone but those behind the razor wire fences. Illustrating that, is an amusing story.

Marc Headley recently heard the Gold shoot crew was on location in a restaurant about two blocks from where he lives. So he went over there. When the Gold Shoot Crew saw him, what do you think they did?

It was hugs and handshakes all around. They were so happy to see him.

None of them even knew he was out of the Sea Org. They were told he was “on project for CST.” They didn’t know he’d written a book. They’d never heard of “Blown for Good.”  DM keeps his slaves completely in the dark.

Miscavige’s damage control effort

DM’s damage control is to allege counter conspiracy: “DM and Marty want to take over the Church.”  What a joke, man. It’s a lie.

And it’s stupid. There’s all kinds of people involved in our movement and none of them are taking orders from Marty and Mike. Our efforts align because DM has himself catalyzed people to put his ethics in. Look it:

Group A is actually AUDITING the third dynamic (exposing crimes).

Group B (with PROVEN crimes) is denying everything and nattering about the Auditors full time.

Which side is a person on? Hell, if someone is DOING the right thing, what more can anyone ask? By their actions, they deserve our support. Not rumormongering.

Marty is auditing every day. That’s all he does in addition to auditing the third dynamic. He is supported in that by the hardest working Lady in the Independent movement, Mosey. Mike is auditing the third dynamic.

I’ve built Scientology-cult.com and RediscoverScientology.com and I have more projects on the way. Check their ranking on Google. They have been HIGHLY effective.

So for anyone planting rumors: actions speak louder than words.

Written by Thoughtful



# Murray Pearlman 2011-03-05 18:47
Thoughtful, Thanks for telling it like it is, you couldn't have said it better. I got on this guys facebook also. It was like he is the King and the "New" people who got out should ask his permission to move forward. He is the one fomenting strife. He also made it sound that he spoke for Anonymous. Doing exactly what DM wants him to do-I spoke with one of my old friends who got out when he got out and he said he is a nice guy. I asked him to speak with him so maybe he could get a grasp on the current scene. I know how things were in the early 80s. What some of these fellows who got out than do not understand is how much worse it is. At least back than you could get good auditing. Now the tech has been so degraded by Miscavige that it is harmful. I know that is hard for some to comprehend but it is true. Miscavige has turned the Church into a suppressive group. I have had all kinds of cognitions on how LRH helped set this up but that is for another time. Again Steve, that is one of the best writeups on the current scene that could have been said. You pulled no punches. Anyone who attacks you, Marty or Mike either lacks data or really is out to help Miscavige. Miscavige isn't afraid of this guy. He is afraid of you guys and what the independent movement is doing now.
# Carol 2011-03-05 19:02
What a fantastic write-up. The Silver lining section is so true. DM's group lies, has in the past lied and continues to lie about the where abouts of people.Weak degraded beings are all that is left in the class lV orgs also.keeping the truth from others is a huge overt.
# Les Warren 2011-03-05 19:24
Thanks again for such an astute analysis.

As full-time independent auditors, my wife and I appreciate greatly the constant exposure of crimes by Miscavige and the running of the 3D engrams created by him and his minions.

Les Warren
# barney rubble 2011-03-06 01:38
Very good points in your article. Look forward to more.

I have taken your "Constructive" point since the spring of 2009 when the Truth RD was published by the Tampa/St Pete Times. That got my ostrich head out of the sand and thus my radar up.
# Natalie 2011-03-06 07:25
You are very correct Steve. The focus of putting in order is the way to go.

What a crazy experience for Marc! It's amazing how the C of S hides what is really going on.
# MostlyLurker 2011-03-06 10:36
Good valid points. I especially liked the constructive point of reconnection "to support each other as friends and create a healthy social network." Independent Scientologists have an opportunity to show that an environment with high ARC and respect for each other is possible. It is not an easy task for the Co$ is active suppressing and 3th partying all of us, but it can be done.
+1 # John Gault 2011-03-06 11:56
How about "The plot to get up the bridge"? What we need is web based training and, maybe, web based co-auditing. There are enough of us to really do that. It could not have been done in 1951, but the technology exists today, in the form of the internet, Skype, and c-meters. Ron said something about the need for others to organise the tech in KSW #1.
# Ron Matlock 2011-03-10 06:18
Bravo for admonishing people to NOT be spectators. We'll all need to be doing something more than reading and commenting on blogs.

My contibution has been auditing daily on my Clearing Course, and this Sunday I am officially starting a Scientology Study Group and expect to be helping a couple of individuals who have already started their Primary Rundown checksheets.

It surely will be good when David Miscavige is gone, but that doesn't come close to getting Scientology even back to square zero, and this planet is still going steadily downhill.

Independent Scientologists need to get busy and stay busy!
+1 # David St Lawrence 2011-03-10 23:07
Steve, I appreciate all that you are doing to expose DM's crimes. You are providing air cover for those of us who are auditing full time in the field today.

We are using current technology like Skype Video and Virtual Clarity Meters to deliver auditing every day to PCs located all over the USA.

My primary target is to repair staff and public who have been harmed by their exposure to the COS. The three swing F/N idiocy is creating new prospects for independent auditing faster than we can handle them.

There is little possibility that any independents will get suckered into "taking over the church". That would be like "taking command" of the Titanic as it begins sliding under the water.
+1 # a johnson 2011-05-23 15:04
Could it be Mr M is a plant? Seems hard to believe, until looking at a lot of data. Take a good long look at past dictators and their methods of operation.
Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot (Cambodian dictator of the 1970's),Sadam Hussein, etc. All had obsessive forcefull controll operations going on. All had spy networks to find out who was "with" them and who was "against" them. Efforts to dig up as much dirt as possible on it's citizens. And Dossiers. All had henchmen working for them to enforce or eradicate.
Virtually all had amazing PR to make themselves look good, and controll of comm lines to make "rivals" look bad. Each one had been supported by influencial forces from OUTSIDE their contries. And each one brought about lots of destruction, either immediately or eventually. Ruined lives, misery, poverty. Anyone around was usually nervously obediant and went along with things, or they got wacked. And a small few were psychotic themselves and fit right in to the scheme. And some, who had SPINES in their backs, said to heck with this and got out. And spoke out and tried to DO something about it. (*important note - getting out of suppression and insanity, and saying something about it is not the same as blowing or nattering. Big difference).

Now take a good hard look at what has been going on in the Church. Notice similarities ? Keep looking, might notice LOTS. Spy cameras all over, dirt files on PCs to be constantly reloaded with as much new dirt as possible, unusual forms to be filled out asking for unnecessary personal information, church parishioners being used to spy on each other.
And watch the movie - Manchurian Candidate again. This movie is based on true incidents and tactics of the past. Put a plant or 2 in a group to control it and mess things up. Look at the results created in the church. Altered tech, altered purposes. Lots of entheta. Ruined lives... Don't forget it was DM who accused the first Senior CS Int of being a plant. Could it not be that DM himself is really the plant? Where exactly does he go when he's outside the church, and who does he talk with ? Could this be the reason he won't go in session himself ?

DM being the plant could answer a LOT of questions. My husband feels this would be a fantastic line to investigate. What do you say guys ???
-1 # Thoughtful 2011-05-23 15:50
I don't mean to dampen your enthusiasm, but DM is not a plant. He is an implanter and a sociopath. The fact that an SP finds support outside — one can always find "counter intention to match their own." No one is running DM. He's the article himself. Likewise, Hitler and those other people were not "plants." They were SPs themselves. A plant is just someone sent into a group to cause trouble.

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