Stockholm, Sweden, June 2011
To all it may concern From: Ragne Mansfield, Stockholm, Sweden
Why I leave the “Church of David Miscavige” but not Scientology and LRH

I have been a scientologist since 1977. First as public, and also staff at STM org, public at AOSH EU and FLAG, and volunteer at translations and renovation projects in Stockholm, Copenhagen and LA.
As public I did the Student Hat and had started on HSDC when NED was released. Over to the NED Course (twinned with a Class VIII doing her A-E steps), and then I interned on NED.
As pc I also did the NED pgm, and then Purif came out. With a minor drug history, the Purif first time through took about two weeks, body felt clean but I had some headaches toward the end. This started a history of headaches and case phenomena that have plagued me through my career in Scn.
Joining staff I did the Staff Status courses, went onto the TTC, and began my Academy training. First I had to do more Purif, which took some 90 days and basically was an overrun since what was out was NED stuff. I did some Academy Levels in Stockholm (without TRs due to headaches), then onto the Crash Training Program at AOSH EU&AF, where I re-trained through the Academy Levels including M1, and the Happiness RD including internship.
Back in Stockholm I began to audit in the HGC (paying public), as a Cl. IV intern.
Here is where one chain of events begins. (Actually part of the take-over by DM and his cohorts)
Our then temporary case supervisor, a Cl. VI auditor, gets removed from post, without replacement.
This left me with two choices: stop auditing as the rest of the org, or take on C/S-ing.
With support from Snr C/S EU at AOSH EU&AF I was given an instant hat as C/S.
The following six weeks the HGC WDAHs, the stats of a C/S, rose continuously from 50 to 150, cases and purifs were debugged and red tags (failed exams after sessions) were absent.
Then a near mandatory event was held in Copenhagen, attended also by some of the HGC auditors. Surprise: WDAHs went down to around 75 that week.
Suddenly a mission landed in the org. The GO (Guardians Office) was to be handled, and other staff were also subjected to interrogation. In my case, as an apparent down-stat, I was given the choice to go to Copenhagen to get my ethics “handled”, or else... ©DM
The “or else...” alternative was not so much an option, as I was newly wed with a lady whose next step on the Bridge was a CCRD. Here outpoints begin to accumulate.
So I go to Copenhagen to get “handled”. First about two months on the GO DPF, an interesting experience in Nazi mentality, for example a false accusation impossible to prove untrue. Ethics “handlings” beginning with O/W-write-ups, leading to head-splitting headaches.
Then a confessional as auditor, which ended as follows: Last session pc chain to F/N, end rudiments F/N. Next day pc natters and makes a BI statement. The in-tech handling would be a confessional repair list, but no, instead I was given two choices: an SP-declare on the spot, or be routed to the RPF. Wife still to do her CCRD, so declare was no choice, and I was coerced to sign for SO. I had seen others be declared “by the finger”, so the threat was very real.
So onto the RPF I went, really as a Cl. IV org staff, no Product 0, with a wife and an unsold house at home.
Continued O/W-write-ups, again with head-splitting headaches. Subjects remaining: supposed to’s, as Homo sap. Result: introverting, pulling in mass. ©DM
Also here run by Nazi mentality, and group invals. One example: the whole RPF, which included half of the european EDs, was collected to a briefing where EU stats were posted. The RPF I/C then stated, “So you see guys, you are not needed.” ©DM
Well, I end up running and debugging cases as C/S, as well as doing confessionals on other RPFers.
One of those gave me (in retrospect) a picture of how financially corrupt members of management and the Finance Police were and could be.
During this cycle my wife came to Cph for service, and we were to make a program for how to handle things back home to join the SO. So we did, but our pgm was invalidated as “taking too long time”. Which led to the decision to blow from the RPF, come what may.
After this experience I chilled out, left staff, paid my freeloader bill, and then the outnesses in the cycle were "handled" by declaring the cycle "off policy" and thus cancelled as invalid.
That those involved maybe also became spiritual invalids from this Reverse Introspection RD and that this was a purposeful restimulation of something even deeper and heavier, has haunted me until near present time when I found data on this and could understand why (more on this later, see SeniorCS).
But my willingness to help and my hope remained, so I:
1) completed my Cl IV internship in the HGC as public
2) Did a 2 1/2 yrs as part time Staff Staff Auditor
3) Took loans for myself, and others, and co-signed to help others make it up the bridge (by overwhelm). Set up for a financial crash, see below.
3a) Did the PTS/SP courses part one at FLAG and later part two
4) Contributed about 4 months on the AOSH EU 1995 renovations as photographer directly under the I/C, where DM made an interesting visit, and for one particular room rudely invalidated the design and work of those involved. I perceived a "cloud of insanity" around COB, though I suppressed my own evaluation of this at the time.
5) Went to LA to become the swedish voice on the Study Tapes and more; here I met Heber Jentzsch who per reports now is locked in at the Int Base together with many others from Int Management. (links below)
6) Worked as a translator at events, (e.g. the GAT launch and IAS), and with translations both at TU EU in Copenhagen and here in Stockholm. Found it at two instances not possible to improve or correct translations already printed or recorded, leading to the conclusion that money was more important than keeping the tech pure.
7) Did the Sec Checker and FPRD courses. Audited around 200 hours FPRD, meager result.
8) Helped with CCHR cycles translating and editing booklets.
#3) above led to a financial disaster remaining to this day. Starting before my divorce, a group of FLAG public and OTs came back fired up from their wins and started to FSM for FLAG as “FSC” in Stockholm. The solution to get more people on service was to take multiple loans and co-sign. This scenario was based on a write-up by Michael Lanciai, was implemented by FSCs in Europe and run from FLAG by Finance Dir John Lundeen and FSC Int Bo Wennberg, and…?
As my wife and I divorced, I became a very hot prospect. So I fell into the trap, allowed myself to go out-integrity, took loans and co-signed most probably beyond my future ability to pay, and went to FLAG for service. Went Out-Int in my first session, and spent the rest of my stay handling this and doing the PTS/SP Course part 1.
One example on the level of push here: there I was at FLAG, near my return ticket date to go back home. I had committed to co-sign on a loan for Tomas Ahrne, and was bought a new ticket for a flight one day earlier, so the money could come in before Thursday 2 p.m. that same week.
Later Tomas’ loans flapped, and a Sea Org mission for bail-outs arrived in Stockholm. I was at the time threatened with bankruptcy from one of the banks involved. Luca, the mission I/C, had the idea that this was just a threat, and chose not to do a bail-out on this particular loan. Well, he played financial Russian roulette with my future, and the gun was loaded with at least 5 bullets. I was put into bankruptcy, and the cycle took 2 years until I knew it was ended. Here I lost my business, and was not allowed to pay any on the loans during this. From here on I lost control of my debt situation... (Interesting parallels to the scenario played out on planet Earth…)
Then the AOSH EU 1995 renovations. The exchange for my contribution as photographer was given in training awards. My idea was to save these for a future time when I had somehow handled my finances. In 1998, a very disturbing (and revealing) issue was directed to all Training Award Recipients, IMEC ED 2509: violating several policies, and practically confiscating Training Awards earned unless some arbitrary conditions were fulfilled. Despite me (and probably many others) reporting on this to RTC, the ED was only revised, not cancelled.
I was on a retread of the KSW-technical course when a flood in my home interrupted it. But already then I had observed severe out-points (both out tech and policy violations) in the org that were to be written up on the course, as well as I perceived an impossibility to report them to Int. Mgmt. as I recognized them being source of the out-points, so I had the choice to complete the course and compromise my integrity, or skip it—which I did!
I went to a few events and found them not aligning with observable reality. But I observed how person after person in Int. management disappeared as speakers and remaining was DM...
So I abstained from most of them too. For one of the events a report was written on me for not attending, motivated by the content and urgency of the briefing and mandatory attendance, although this was not communicated when I was called-in for the event. 1.1 behavior ©DM.
The Basics were released. (I knew about this from TU work) Suitably money was found/re-credited at FLAG so I could get both Basics and Congresses. I (re)read and listened all through, but was not interested to put myself in the course room. Lo and behold, on the tape Study and Intention (even on the edited Study Tapes, revisions copyright 1987 L. Ron Hubbard Library) LRH gives his view of importance to early materials:
“But you will find nearly everything is defined in the text where it originally appears. ... And that is one of the reasons why I said that a Saint Hill student had better go back to the original method of study. And the original method of study is you covered it all lightly. You covered it all lightly and you wound up with a good grip on the entirety of the subject. And then, what you really had to know, well, you then studied that hard for star-rate”...
Now, DM obviously put everyone on lines to do the Basics, regardless of what LRH states above: “a Saint Hill student”.
Ron says: Look, don't listen.
The price of freedom: Constant alertness and constant willingness to fight back.
Personal integrity: What is true for you is what you have observed yourself And when you lose that you have lost everything... (Tech vol. VI, p. 23)
By summer 2009 friends of mine and I were looking at the puzzle of why FPRD produced spectacular results when launched, versus what was the present situation. Further research into the scene went to the Internet, and the rest is a fascinating revelation and journey.
Here was data on what had happened in and to the Church, of infiltration and take-over, and a long trail of crimes, altered Tech and violated Policy. And also data on what the real game was that we are currently playing, why, and what forces are involved. (Suffice it to say that this data has been quite obscured in the fiefdom of Miscavige.)
A word of warning and alert to people still in the "Church" of Miscavige. You are not supposed to look for Scientology at places outside the church's own sites, right? You may even have a net nanny installed for you without your knowing it... This puts you in good company: with the peoples of North Korea, communist China, Iran, Libya, Syria... see any similarity?
A very revealing example of attempted cover-up is how LRH has been edited on the PDC lecture # 20. I have myself checked out the following to be true:
The following text is an accurate reproduction of the transcript issued with DM’s re-release of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture of 6 December 1952 Formative State of Scientology, Definition of Logic. The words in red appeared in the cassette tape version of the very same lecture available in every Church of Scientology for many years prior to DM’s new edited release (copyrighted 1982). If you have a set of the newly issued DM-edited PDC on CD, you can listen to it for yourself – the bold faced words below have been deleted. If you have the same previously available PDC lecture on cassette you can listen to it too, and the bold face words, lo and behold, are audible.
“You’ll find almost any preclear can be given Creative Processing. And you could get ahold of him and flip the PDH out. That’s interesting, isn’t it? In other words, you can take them out as fast they lay them down.
“Therefore, we really do have the remedy before the assault weapon is produced. Did you ever read poor old George Orwell’s 1984? Yes, yes, that’s wonderful. That would be — could be the palest imagined shadow of what a world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology with no remedy in existence.
“It’s a very simple remedy. And that’s just make sure that the remedy is passed along. That’s all. Don’t hoard it and don’t hold it; and if you ever do use any Black Dianetics, use it on the guy who pulled Scientology out of sight and made it so it wasn’t available. Because he’s the boy who would be electing himself “The New Order.” And we don’t need any more new orders. All those orders, as far as I am concerned, have been filled.”
That is correct, all of the words in bold faced type above have been removed from the CD released lecture and accompanying transcript. And yes, all those words appear in the same lecture previously available on cassette tape and they also appear in the tape’s accompanying transcript (copyright 1982).
I leave it to the reader to come to your own conclusion as to why Miscavige might edit LRH in that fashion.”
Imagine what this means to a translator who has been working with what has been promoted as 100% standard LRH?
Some sources, with applicable further referral to other included links and blog-threads, for you who dare to look, evaluate and think for yourselves:
Training stats and LRH vs. COB at some examples
Here a letter to which I agree in those points I have observed directly and indirectly: see “Does it strike you as odd that 38 out of 50 staff members from the last organization that L. Ron Hubbard personally ran himself in St Hill, England (known as "Old Saint Hill") have been declared "suppressive persons" by David Miscavige and kicked out of Scientology forever?” NO, they were NOT SPs, and probably very few other persons declared were “overnight SPs”, but had fallen into a new category of SP: someone opposing David Miscavige or even having the potential to do so. Many, many stories from ex-staff in the blog-threads, and for example how Debbie Cook was taken out, see and How DM runs the show
Touching story, and many good links and for example (or, with nice pictures) where data differ significantly from “official internal reality”, for instance on take-over, political purges and the IRS deal, (also given below)
A lot of stories and data exist on the take-over and actions of DM and his cohorts. See the model “OPERATION RAMROD” at and the above websites for a start. One heartbreaking example: Mission Holders Conference SF and the following SOED 2104.
Ron wrote in HCO PL 20 Oct 1967, CONDITIONS, HOW TO ASSIGN: “We didn’t, a long, long time ago, get in ethics. We goofed. And the whole race went into the soup where it remains to this day.”
And here we are again... with the mission to get ethics in on suppression, and get out of the soup!
The interesting situation occurs, that while all policy on SPs and PTS-es is written to handle enemies of pure Scn, how is one to think with the materials when it is clear that DM and his cohorts are the suppressives? An excellent example of a write-up on this is at (Editor note: This article is currently being revised by me - Thoughtful)
Added to this we have HCO PL of 29 June 1968, Enrollment in Suppressive Groups, # 7. This has some meaning for the current “Church of David Miscavige”, which is an applicable group to abolish and disperse: “A person so denied access to upper-level data may not receive it ever unless the group of which he is or has been a member is completely abolished and dispersed.”
During the years, there HAVE been people with enough integrity to look at the “dear leader” and act:
However, the self-appointed dictator remains in power over those he has forced into submission, who cannot, don’t want to, refuse or don’t dare to look, and who by inaction, silence, toeing the line and donations support his regimen.
There is an assumed identity pushed onto on-church-line scientologists, that the subject Scientology is identical to the current “Church of Scientology”, even expressed as “David Miscavige is Scientology”!!
A closer look reveals something very different! David Miscavige is part of plan to actively destroy Scientology: the subject, the Church and the spiritual future of those his version is applied to.
I hereby declare that I do not support the regimen of DM, but also in writing leave the “Church” of David Miscavige, a.k.a. “Church of Scientology”.
In the process of finding truth and what game we are playing I have become much, much more a SCIENTOLOGIST and a loyal friend of Ron and part of his mission to handle the suppressive enslavers for good.
Ron’s tech does exist outside the “Church”, and we can be free again.
Ragne Mansfield Stockholm, Sweden
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There is now doubt that the Church of Scientology has been seized by individuals hostile to Scientology.
No doubt that their intention is to alter and pervert the tech within the organization which they have succeeded in doing.
What I feel they fear the most is the technology that will make actual OTs (as in Operating Thetan that is one that can *operate* exterior to the body and perceive) this is the reason for the technical degrade of the original OT Levels by replacing them with "New" OT Levels they immediately imply that they are "Old" and "no longer used".
If it wasn't for us they might have been successful.
Fortunately SPs rarely are or are only "successful" for only a short period of time like their unwitting agent David Miscavige.
Though two decades may seem like a long time it is really a brief respite in eternity.
What is in store for him and his "friends" up the line I wouldn't wish on my own worst enemy.
Together we are strong!
Much Love
BTW, as we know, DM is a USURPER. It's not his Church. He did not build it. LRH and those of us who worked on staff, who FSMed, or who donated built the Church.
DM is living off of the goodwill and hard work of thousands of others.
It is not his church. It is your church and the church of everyone who contributed.
I suggest we not validate his usurping actions. So, I suggest we not call the Church, the "Church of Miscavige" or any such thing that implies that it is his.
Similarly, to call what he is doing "radical Scientology" or such is an insult to the Tech. A better term is "psuedo-Scientology." "Reverse Scientology" is also good.
We know from the L&N tech and HCO PL "Misunderstood Words, Goofs," that how we name things - the words we choose - have wide ranging effects, on things like our evals and action plans.
It's not DM's church. Ethically, it belongs to those who created it. Not to one who is destroying it.
I am following my nose and my knowledge on the matter of what I would call "David Miscaviage's sinister edits, seemingly sinister alliances and sinister declares."
WE!(you and I and all Independant SCN's are the "church" of Scientology by root and original meaning of church, as revealed in the Greek.)
PDC #20 : ) big smiles and goodness,
a Friend
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